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Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the private investment that this money will attract. It promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market. |

On this site you can find and secure funding for projects under the following EU programmes:
2014-2020 Horizon 2020 - research and innovation framework programme
2007-2013 7th research framework programme (FP7) and Competitiveness & Innovation Programme (CIP)
Research Fund for Coal & Steel, COSME, 3rd Health Programme, Consumer Programme

The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) is a unique public private partnership supporting research, technological development and demonstration (RTD) activities in fuel cell and hydrogen energy technologies in Europe. Its aim is to accelerate the market introduction of these technologies, realising their potential as an instrument in achieving a carbon-lean energy system.
Fuel cells, as an efficient conversion technology, and hydrogen, as a clean energy carrier, have a great potential to help fight carbon dioxide emissions, to reduce dependence on hydrocarbons and to contribute to economic growth. The objective of the FCH JU is to bring these benefits to Europeans through a concentrated effort from all sectors.
The three members of the FCH JU are the European Commission, fuel cell and hydrogen industries represented by the NEW Industry Grouping and the research community represented by Research Grouping N.ERGHY.

The N.ERGHY association is representing the interests of European universities and research institutes in the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Technology Initiative (FCH JTI). Together with industry and the European Commission, it is responsible for shaping the programme of the JTI (called Annual Implementation Plan - AIP, and Multi-Annual Implementation Plan - MAIP) |

The New Energy World Industry Grouping (NEW-IG) is the leading industrial association representing a major grouping of companies, both large and SMEs, working in the fuel cell and hydrogen sector. NEW-IG partners with the European Commission and the research community to accelerate the market introduction of these clean technologies in the energy and transport sectors |

European research infrastructures for excellent science
The main objective of the action is to endow Europe with world-class research infrastructures which are accessible to all researchers in Europe and beyond and fully exploit their potential for scientific advance and innovation.
All information on the action, work programme and how to apply is available on the H2020 website and the Participant Portal


Community Research and Development Information Service

ERAWATCH provides information on European, national and regional research and innovation systems, policies, and programmes in the EU and beyond.
ERAWATCH supports evidence based policy making in Europe and contributes to the realisation of the European Research Area (ERA).
ERAWATCH currently covers 61 countries: the 28 Member States of the European Union, 13 countries associated with the 7th European Community's Research Framework Programme and 20 third countries. It also provides an overview of the European Union.
ERAWATCH information is collected and presented by JRC-IPTSwith the support of external experts. Since 2013 ERAWATCH content updates have been focused primarily on Annual Country Reports (ACR), Country Fiches and other relevant analytical reports.
The Joint Inventory of Policy Measures brings together information on research and innovation policies. This has been developed through cooperation with the Pro-Inno Policy TrendChart, financed by the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme 2007-2013 (CIP).
last update 17.03.2015 by Olaf Jedicke