
The H2FC European Infrastructure consortium is aware of a rather low participation of female researchers in its consortium. With roughly 15 % of the people with major scientific and technological contributions nominated and identified at the time of starting the H2FC European Infrastructure is significantly below the average of women in engineering science of approx. 21 % as was derived by a European study.

However, as a European Integrating Activity the H2FC consortium is strongly committed also to integrate on a personnel level, i. e. ensuring a most balanced gender equality. This is why we have established a gender equality manager

  • to stimulate general attraction of women to the high potential of hydrogen and fuel cell technological installations even at an early stage in scientific education,
  • to allow a balanced work profile for experienced female researchers who in parallel to their scientific work are raising children, and
  • to further qualify in particular part-time working women in the consortium who would otherwise not find the time to keep pace with evolving H2FC European Infrastructure


H2FC takes a series of subsequent steps and tasks to improve the gender balance, in particular in middle and senior management positions, to offer career development to female staff through promotion, career opportunities, training, mentoring and coaching dedicated to women or to reconcile personal and private life to ensure childcare facilities as well as promotion of flexible working arrangements.

The consortium identified five tasks for the gender equality manager, which are intended to support a constant awareness of gender related issues within the consortium and even beyond in further collaborations of the consortium partners.

  1. Evaluate the situation of female scientists within the consortium
  2. Establishing a gender activity network
  3. Develop a dedicated female researcher exchange activity
  4. Promoting a network of female scientists in the area of hydrogen and fuel cell technology
  5. Annual evaluation of the gender actions

Intermediate and final results of the tasks will be reported to the project committees, thus influencing H2FC's project execution.


EPWS Position Paper on Horizon 2020

18 May 2012

The European Platform of Women Scientists published a position paper on Horizon 2020 where they identify emerging challenges in the gender equality area until year 2020 and give recommendations how to counteract.

The full PDF version can be downloaded here.


DIVERSITY project published a booklet summarising their project results

18 May 2012

The outcomes of both the project and the final workshop held in September 2011 resulted in a DIVERSITY booklet. In this booklet the consortium presents the findings, especially the results of the data analysis as well as the recommendations and guidelines developed in project stage 2.

The booklet is available for download on the DIVERSITY website.


European Commission Report about "Structural Change in Research institutions"

18 May 2012

The European Commission published a report with the full title "Structural Change in Research institutions: Enhancing excellence, gender equality and efficiency in research and innovation" which contains the result of a high level working group with the aim to investigate reasons behind existing trends in structural changes.
The report presents analyses and best practices in order to attract and promote female scientists.

The report is available for download at the European Commission's web portal "Science in Society".


Further information on Gender Equality Events will be available soon.


The following links will give you more information about gender equality in the scientific field.


Gender-related EU projects

Gender in EU funded research (FP7 project)
DIVERSITY - Improving the gender diversity management in materials research institutions (FP7 project)
Gendera - Changing the gender balance in research organisations (FP7 project)
genSET - Gender in Science (FP7 project)


European platforms

European Platform of Women Scientists
European Center for Women and Technology


European Agencies

European Institute for Gender Equality


H2FC Gender Equality Manager

Sarah Kuhn

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Hermann-von-Helmholtz Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen

Phone +49 721 608 23559
Email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it



Main Contact

Olaf Jedicke
Phone +49 721 6082 5274
Fax +49 721 6082 4777
» Send e-mail





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