The Porous Media Group (PMG) of NCSRD, is based on a collaboration between the Institutes of Physical Chemistry, Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection and Materials Science of NCSR “Demokritos” (, the largest multidisciplinary research facility in Greece. The team, comprising of 10 specialised scientists, holds a well-established position in the field of synthesis and characterisation of nanostructured materials for environmental, energy and industrial applications with emphasis on inorganic and hybrid porous media. 

In addition, it has extended activities in numerical simulation for modelling of materials and processes by molecular or mesoscopic techniques. The group has broad expertise on H2 technology issues with emphasis on solid storage systems (for stationary, portable and transport applications) as well as safety analysis related to chemical hazards and risks from H2 use. In the last years the group has been very active in the design of H2 storage systems (tanks) but also in the development and characterisation of novel nanostructured materials (e.g. nanoporous carbons, metal- organic frameworks, hybrid organic/inorganic materials) with clear potential to be used as H2 stores. Furthermore, there is significant know how on safety analysis of H2 applications, using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methodology.


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Olaf Jedicke
Phone +49 721 6082 5274
Fax +49 721 6082 4777
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