H2FC Sage framework

Crossing borders to find new ways and solutions -> be part of a CROWDSOURCING Community in Hydrogen and Fuel Cell research!


Sage is a free open source mathematics software system (based on Python). We have implemented H2FC Sage worksheets, especially adjusted regarding hydrogen and fuel cell models. On SageMathCloud you can examine existing H2FC experiments but you can also create and share experiments by yourself. It is recommended to use Firefox, Chrome or Safari browser instead of Internet Explorer. If you need some help please look at our tutorial: Sage-Tutorial.pdf




If you want to try out the Sage Framework:

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Click here to navigate to Sage Cloud server:





Have a look at our ALREAdy published worksheets: overview


Flame Radiation

  • Example of a sage worksheet
  • calculation of a flame Radiation




Flame length and Separation distance for jet fires (UU)

  • This model calculates two features associated with hydrogen jet fires
  • ---> Flame length
  • ---> Separation distances




Hydrogen jet parameters (UU)

  • The model describes parameters in an hydrogen jet through characteristic stages of its development - in Reservoir (1), orifice (3), and effective nozzle Diameter (4)
  • You can also look at this model in the Cyber-Laboratory




Simple tool for computing mass balances at the anode & cathode of an operating PEM fuel cell (CEA)

  • From user data about the cell or stack operating conditions, the model computes the input data that is needed for designing a fuel cell System or test bench
  • You can also look at this model in the Cyber-Laboratory



Free Jet Model (Freejet) (HSL)

  • The FreeJet model was originally developed as a spreadsheet tool which calculates the pseudo diameter
  • You can also look at this model in the Cyber-Laboratory




Unignited jets - Axial distance to different H2 concentrations

  • This engineering tool calculates the axial distance from the nozzle corresponding to the location of various pre-selected hydrogen concentrations
  • It also allows the 'user' to choose their own concentration for Analysis




Calculation of required Reservoir volume

  • This Engineering tool calculates the required Reservoir volume for a unser specified hydrogen pressure and mass



Model for passive ventilation in an enclosure with one vent: uniform hydrogen concentration (UU)

This model allows for the calculation of the three features:

  • 1. Steady-state hydrogen uniform concentration for the given release rate and vent size
  • 2. Parameters of the vent to get desired concentration for the given release
  • 3. Calculation of the release rate to get desired concentration for the given vent sizes





If you want to learn more about general Sage look at the official website. There you can find a lot of information and also tutorials:



Disclaimer. Author, editors and users does not make any warranty or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or any third party`s use of any model, information, product, procedure, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights.

Main Contact

Olaf Jedicke
Phone +49 721 6082 5274
Fax +49 721 6082 4777
» Send e-mail





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